The Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA) wishes to announce the call for abstracts for 2025 KESSA conference in Atlanta, Courtyard, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA Tel: (404) 521 – 000 September 5 – 6, 2025. We welcome submission of abstracts for paper and poster presentations, panels, and round-tables on scholarly work or any topic applicable to Kenya, US and any other country. We encourage submissions from all disciplines.
Please review the submission guidelines and consider submitting an abstract not exceeding 250 words. The accepted abstracts will be in the conference program. Therefore, proofread your abstract for content and grammar. The abstract should be written clearly and concisely so that it will convey to a potential audience member what s/he will learn or gain by attending the session.
The deadline for submissions is Saturday, May 24th, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST. This deadline will not be extended. Submit an abstract on the KESSA website:
We shall notify you about the status of the submitted abstract as soon as the review process is complete. All presenters, panelists and non-presenters must register for the conference. Detailed information about conference registration fee, KESSA annual membership fee, hotel, travel and confirmed keynote speakers can be found on the KESSA website: in the 2023 conference subpage.
Deadline for Abstract submission
Deadline for Early Registration
Conference Dates
Abstracts for oral presentations, posters, panel discussion, and round-table may be submitted only electronically at:
In case that electronic submission is not possible, please email the abstract or contact the KESSA Conference committee at:
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